Universe name not showing up in report


We’re using BO 4.1.5. On the standard reports stored in the repository we have a cell that lists the universe name the report comes from. We use the formula “UniverseName(DataProvider())”. For some reason the universe name often disappears. It will disappear then reappear at a later time. This is a very minor problem but I was wondering if anyone had seen this. We’ll be upgrading soon to BO 5, does this occur with BO 5 reports?

Thanks for your help,
Dave Gross

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Not only have I noticed this behavior (which I unfortunately don’t have an explanation for), but in addition, the universe name, when it does show up, is not always correct. If you create a report using one universe, and then use Data | View to change to a different universe, the original universe name still appears on the report. Not very helpful information, if you’re using different versions of a universe to test different techniques and want to know which report used which universe!

Anybody know why this happens? (We’re using v4.1.6.)

Melody Shackelford
Roadway Express, Inc.

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)