Hi ,
Could some one let me know how to get Universe id’s of all universe available in repository.If some one have sql could you please forward it to me
Thanks in advance
rao (BOB member since 2003-06-02)
Hi ,
Could some one let me know how to get Universe id’s of all universe available in repository.If some one have sql could you please forward it to me
Thanks in advance
rao (BOB member since 2003-06-02)
select m_uni_n_id, m_uni_c_filename, m_uni_c_longname, m_repo_c_name
from obj_m_universes, obj_m_repository
where obj_m_universes.m_uni_n_repoid = obj_m_repository.m_repo_n_id;
That should give you the ID, the filename the “long name”, and the repository where they are located.
Dave Rathbun (BOB member since 2002-06-06)
mkumar (BOB member since 2002-08-26)
Thansk a lot
rao (BOB member since 2003-06-02)
Is there any way i can pull list of reports using a particular universe.
rao (BOB member since 2003-06-02)
This code will work but will require you to hit every single universe domain with a separate query. The SQL I provided uses the security domain instead, and therefore will show all universes in all domains.
Yes, look at the obj_m_docatvar table.
Repository questions belong in the Supervisor forum, so I’ll move this topic. If you review the Supervisor forum you will find that there are a number of topics on similar subjects. Search for OBJ_M_DOCATVAR for starters. 8)
Dave Rathbun (BOB member since 2002-06-06)