Universe Export

We ran into this problem with the same setup. We had to scan & repair the
repository to get around it each time. After upgrading to 4.1.4 it hasn’t

Terry Boxx

When exporting a universe we get an error “The universe could not be
exported. Please rename the universe name and filename”. You then have
to manually delete the universe from Supervisor and then do the export.
If I rename the universe I and
continiously export it, it works fine.

We are using BO 4.1.3 and the database is Oracle 7.3 with SQL Net 2.3.

Please help…

Marcel Visagie

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

There is a option in Supervisor where you can disable “PREVENT FROM
OVERWRIITNG UNIVERSES”. Once you disable this then you will be able to
overwrite universes.
Good Luck.

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)