Unable to run Macro/Invoke VB Editor

I am trying to use report documentation Add-in. I was able to install the add-in but when I go to Tools > Macro > Macro and select the add-in it doesn’t display the macro names. I am also unable to invoke visual basic editor. Nothing happens (no error messages) when I click on it.

I have searched the BOB and BO Knowledge Exchange and tried instvba to install VBA. I also tried clean re-install. But neither seems to work. Probably because I am on shared installation ? My setup is BO 5.1.6 on win2000 pro in Master-shared configuration. I am able to run macro/vba for MS word and excel.

Any solution ? Hint ?

Thanks in advance.

bhaumick :canada: (BOB member since 2003-04-14)

Have you checked the security settings in supervisor?

chrishogben (BOB member since 2003-06-26)

Yes it is enabled in Supervisor.

bhaumick :canada: (BOB member since 2003-04-14)

Today the PC support person gave me Administrative rights for my PC and guess what, my macro and VBA editor is working :smiley:

But, still I am not sure why :confused:

Anyway it is working now…

bhaumick :canada: (BOB member since 2003-04-14)