I am a general supervisor and am trying to enable a Universe that a user trying to access (the universe has a red ‘x’ by it and is disabled). However, we I try to do this, nothing happens. I have done this at both the group level and the individual user level, to no avail.
Seen it. wrote it off as some strage quirk (technical term for “not sure why it is doing this” ). Trying logging out of Super and back in or try doing this from another machine. What version of Supervisor are you running?
When we saw it is was happening to 1 Supervisor but when I logged into my machine everything was OK. It turns out he has been doing a lot of maint work disabling/enabling docs, users, unvs, ectt… and something just got hosed (another technical term). Once he logged out and back in I think the issue was resolved.
We’re running 5.1.8. Unfortunately, another machine and logging in and out did not work.
I’m not sure about the domain issue. I am unable to even view the universe (I’m a general supervisor) when I try to import it from designer. However in Supervisor, when I check the connection, I receive a ‘success’ response.
Check the database Drivers on each machine. I have noted that some drivers (especially ODBC and MS drivers) handle date/time stamps differently. If the driver is different then the timestamps are not handled correctly and access is determined based on comparing the TS as it was written to the .lsi file and the repository.
Thanks for the suggestion digpin, but I’m not sure how that effects the enable/disabling of the universe that is disabled. For other documents, universes, we are able to successfully enable and disable.
Is this a new universe or pre-existing? Do you have local copy or was it published by someone else? My first thought, although you may have already tried this is a Scan/Repair/Compact to try and rule out any corruption issues. Secondly, if it is a new universe perhaps if you delete it out of the Repo, SRC, then re-export and see if the problem still persist.
this is a pre-existing universe. Unfortunately, I do not have a local copy, it was published by someone else. The scan, compact, and repair has also already been run.
This is a tough one, but I think it’s something really easy that I’m missing.
That’s a clue. If you log in as General Supervisor and cannot see the universe from designer, then something is messed up.
That, unfortunately, is meaningless. A connection is not part of the universe, it is stored in a separate record. A connection is then assigned to a universe. So the fact that you can test the connection successfully does not tell you anything about the universe.
When you log in to Supervisor as GS, click the Universe tab (on the bottom of the screen) do you see the universe there? What domain is it located in? Are there other universes in the same domain? Can you create a new universe and export it to that domain?
Indeed. By removing the universe and doing a scan and repair I hoped to remove all references to the old universe. But… it seems some references are still left in the security and/or universe domain.
When I link the (new) universe to a group, this universe is immediatly “disabled”. Nothing happens when I click on “disable/enable universe”…
I’ve found the solution for my problem (and probably yours too).
The universe remainded disabled because the universe domain was disabled: I noticed the text “(Disabled)” after the long name of the universe.
Before you can enable a universe you have to link the universe domain to the group. After this there’s no problem anymore to enable/disable a universe. [/u]