Thousand format import from Excel

Hello, I have a problem when importing data from Excel with thousands and Millions, same columns are imported well,in same other I have a problem e.g if I have 100,000 in Excel i get 100 in Deski also if I have 1,000,000 in Excel I get 1 in Deski. It is strange because I formated all the columns as custom using excel 2010 and I saved the file as 97-2003 Excel file before to import into Deski. Thank you for your help

KISS-KIZITO (BOB member since 2016-10-23)

Try formatting the Excel as number with the ‘Use thousand separator’ check box ticked (using the appropriate separator for your locale), and also ensure your Deski output is formatted as a number.

Business Objects doesn’t like ‘hybrid’ inputs/outputs, so if some of your numbers have commas or something it thinks is a decimal point, it may be treating the value as text not as a number or truncating the decimal. (It does the same with dates as well…)

Maddye :uk: (BOB member since 2009-01-09)