Hello, I have a problem when importing data from Excel with thousands and Millions, same columns are imported well,in same other I have a problem e.g if I have 100,000 in Excel i get 100 in Deski also if I have 1,000,000 in Excel I get 1 in Deski. It is strange because I formated all the columns as custom using excel 2010 and I saved the file as 97-2003 Excel file before to import into Deski. Thank you for your help
Try formatting the Excel as number with the ‘Use thousand separator’ check box ticked (using the appropriate separator for your locale), and also ensure your Deski output is formatted as a number.
Business Objects doesn’t like ‘hybrid’ inputs/outputs, so if some of your numbers have commas or something it thinks is a decimal point, it may be treating the value as text not as a number or truncating the decimal. (It does the same with dates as well…)