We have been encountering this error under very specific condictions. When you refresh a query using the “Run Query” command button the error message “This Page Is Empty” is returned. This only occurs in queries that have multiple data providers and prompts. However, if you hit the browser’s “Refresh” button, the report magically appears as if the client were just out of sync with the back-end web server.
First of all, check if the servconf.exe has been used correctly. Please refer to the mail about webi 2 installation problems that I’ve posted to the list today.
Check if the BusinessObjects document is in the 4.1x format, preferably 4.1.3. Documents created with BO 4.0x are not supported for viewing and refreshing through WebIntelligence. To upgrade the 4.0.x documents, it is sufficient to open and save them in 4.1.3 prior to making them available through webi.
Check if there is a difference in the behavior between sending the documents with and without checking the 'WebIntelligence users can view this document". If you check the option, the HTML will generated and embedded in the .rep file before it is sent to the repository. If you don’t check the option, the HTML will generated on the fly by a busobj.exe when a user opens the document in WebIntelligence.
Open and refresh the same documents using the full client that is installed on the server that runs the Cluster Manager, and see if everything works okay this way. Before you do this test, I recommend stopping the WebIntelligence services. If this works, save the document as HTML and check if you can open the HTML version.
If none of these suggestions help to correct the problem, please try to narrow down the problem by testing with documents that only contain multiple dataproviders , and documents only containing prompts. Then see if you can find a pattern by using different types of dataproviders or different types of prompts.
Feico Mol
Program Manager
Web Products Group, Business Objects.
Regarding Web-I v2.0
We have been encountering this error under very specific condictions. When you refresh a query using the “Run Query” command button the error message “This Page Is Empty” is returned. This only occurs in queries that have multiple data providers and prompts. However, if you hit the browser’s “Refresh” button, the report magically appears as if the client were just out of sync with the back-end web server.