The infamous WIJ 20002 error

We are curently running WebI 6.1b on AIX 5.1. We have encountered the following error many times while opening the WebI Java Report Panel.

“The WebIntelligence Java Report Panel cannot connect to the server. Close the report panel and try to connect again or see your BusinessObjects administrator. (Error: WIJ 20002)”

We currently have a case open with Business Objects. We have not found the exact cause of the problem yet.

I have seen a topic on this issue before in BOB, but yet to see the resolution. If anyone has any ideas on how to fix this problem please share it with us.


Prasad.Gandluri (BOB member since 2003-03-25)


Got wij2002 consistently before (using 6.1a/weblogic6.1sp2/windows2000sp4). I have installed the system in Pilot, DEV, and QA, in my environment, mostly this problem is solved by having ./lib/xalan.jar in classpath (and some more modification in the web-inf folder.

Hope this works.


lindahwa (BOB member since 2004-06-24)

Hi Levi,

we have the same error and BO doesn’t find a solution.

We will try to put the file in the classpath, but we are wondering what other modifications you have made in the web-inf folder.

Can you please be more specific if you have changed some parameters or what you have changed?

Thanks in advance!

Jorn Van den Driessche

jornvdd :belgium: (BOB member since 2003-06-24)

Hi Jorn,

This is what we do (IIS and weblogic 6.1 - DMZ config) in WEB-INF folder:
(also I do not use the auto config tool, we deploy the webi manually (the war file)

  1. in WEB-INF/classes folder – verify the following files exist:
    .cfg, file with the following entries:




Licenses file
Default config file

  1. other modification: go to classes files (this one is outside the WEB-INF class) (ie: wijsp/classes) do the following (notice there are 2 files there: and thincadenza.jar (the base code for java applet). I think what happened is when we download the java panel in IE, it looks at different path - which is BO bug in my opinion):
    Replace the folder name into boclasses
    Go to wijsp/scripts - find CDZPopup.jsp (replace the word classes into boclasses) – about 2 entries there

This works for manual deployment in weblogic. (be sure you make the back-up before applying these changes so you can roll back)


lindahwa (BOB member since 2004-06-24)


Tx for sharing your solution.

In the meantime we have figured out ourselves what was causing the problem.

Apparently our users were connected to the BO-server through the proxy.
When the proxy was turned off, our report came through without any problem.

The lesson learnt for us is that the time-outs defined on any element of your chain is defining.


jornvdd :belgium: (BOB member since 2003-06-24)

I got the WIJ2002 only on one workstation. I had to reinstall the Java Virtual Machine to resolve the problem.

jobjoris :netherlands: (BOB member since 2004-06-30)

I think there’s an esay way to process
I had the same pb with webi 6.1b and i did that :

AT c:\Winnt\system32\inetsrv\urlscan\urlscan.ini
set AllowDotInPath=1

this manipulation solve my problem
i hope same for you

bob33 (BOB member since 2004-05-18)


We did the manual deployment of weblogic but (sunone as webserver). We are facing the same issue and searched for the thincadenza.* file. Cannot find that anywhere. what part of the deployment did we miss out.
Please explain.


busobj2004 (BOB member since 2004-07-27)

I have also experience this error ? Any similar experience to share ?
I use Tomcat + Apache

This error delays my project status, I have been finding a solution for this error, but can’t find one.

thk you.

Irene Ang (BOB member since 2004-10-01)

Here is what did it for us and we are on Apache/Tomcat, not that our issue was necessarily dependent on the configuration.

csievert :denmark: (BOB member since 2002-06-17)