Table Color

I have BO 6.1a
I have a Customer Report. The users first choose the Client Type. I have Type 1, 2 and 3. Then If the users choose the Type 1 I have to put the background table in color red and the foreground color grey , If the users choose the Type 2 I have to put the table green/grey and If the users choose the Type 3 I have to put the table blue/grey.

How can I do it???

mg (BOB member since 2004-01-07)

  1. Define a variable in such a way that its value should be based on “Type” of the report.

If you are ok with publishing a Full Client report in WebI then,

Create an alerter for complete row based on this variable. This post might help in creating row alerters.

Otherwise, In webi, you will have to use a html hack to accomplish this. Here is a discussion :-


shamit (BOB member since 2004-07-01)