Syntax Error in where clause using UserResponse function


I have a report with 2 dimensions, Quarter and Year that uses the UserResponse function:

= UserResponse("Query 1 with beach" ,"Which quarter?")
= UserResponse("Query 1 with beach" ,"Which year?")

The report also has a measure; Number of guests, but the formula I am using gives me a syntax error:

=<Number of guests(Query 1 with beach)> Where (<Year(Query 1 with beach)>=UserResponse("Query 1 with beach" ,"Which year?") and
<Quarter(Query 1 with beach)>=UserResponse("Query 1 with beach" ,"Which quarter?"))

Can someone please help me with the above problem.

Thanking you in advance.

asha (BOB member since 2004-08-02)

=<Number of guests(Query 1 with beach)> Where (<Year(Query 1 with beach)>=UserResponse("Query 1 with beach" ,"Which year?") and <Quarter(Query 1 with beach)>=UserResponse("Query 1 with beach" ,"Which quarter?")) 

The Year function yields a number, so its output must be compared with a number.

Try to convert UserResponse(…) in a number.

Donald Duck :mexico: (BOB member since 2004-07-29)

Please, take a look at this post in FAQ Reporter.

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

Thanks for the response guys. I have managed to resolve this issue by reading up on some other cases and created a temporary variable which I used as a flag. The issue wasn’t with Year and Month as they were both of character data types.It was with the where clause, which only accepts constants.

asha (BOB member since 2004-08-02)