Sub queries in Query Builder

How to write a sub query in querybuilder. I want to get list of records who parent id is NOT IN the list of values, i give.

for ex:
select * from ci_infoobjects where CONDITION 1 and CONDITION 2 and CONDITION 3 AND SI_PARENTID NOT IN (List of 300 parentIds)

This is not working. I always get ’ There was an error retrieving data from the server: Not a valid query. (FWB 00025) ’ error.

any idea…Please help.

Vathsalya (BOB member since 2012-07-27)

The Query Builder language is “SQL-ish”. It doesn’t implement all standard SQL constructs, and subqueries are not supported.

However, Relationship queries can often be used in place of subqueries. See here for more info.


joepeters :us: (BOB member since 2002-08-29)