We have a default header color for all of our reports. We need to change the default color to something else. We’ve updated the WebiDefaultStyleSheet.css with the new hex color. Restarted the tomcat server and rebuilt the Tomcat libraries. Cleared cache on our MS Edge browser, but our changes do not appear. All table header colors for new webi documents continue to be the old company color.
There must be some other place to specify header colors.
Can anyone help?
Ver: 4.3 SP3 P3
Tomcat and Application running on separate servers.
As far as I know the stylesheet are embedded inside the documents, so changing your default stylesheet doesn’t effert your previously created documents.
Thanx. Yes old ones would keep the old style but new documents should reflect the updated style sheet but they are not. New documents are still using the old background color in their table headers. Is there another location other than the style sheet that we can specify background colors.
Sorry, read your question too quickly… The style sheet isn’t applied when creating new reports… Just to validate, if you manually apply the style sheet, the colors are applied?
The formal location where the style sheet must be located is on the application server: \SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\images (https://me.sap.com/notes/0002468348)