Strange Bug in BI 4.3 SP4 Patch 801

Hi all,

We updated from 4.2 to 4.3 lastest version released and I have found an strange bug, maybe someone with SP4 any patch can confirm if reproducible.

  • create an schedule of any webi report.
  • in the history, while is running, right click in the name of report running and the click in the report name (avoiding the contextual menu)
  • automatically the instance is duplicated and running twice.
  • If you click again, it will running again a third time and so on.

this is not reproducible in BI 4.3 SP3.


I confirmed the behavior you are observing in 4.3 SP04 Patch 7. I get the fact that it is annoying and it should not happen. However, I think the solution here is to just not do that.


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I think n8aktiv has mentioned they are on last patch + hotfix due sap note 3506055 … I am just in upgrade process and frankly I don’t even want to see it :smiley: