Our new DW will use SQL Server 6.5 as the database, and we have recently learned that there is a 16 table limit in queries. We thought we could get around that by running two separate queries in BusObj, and using the link function in the reporter. Either I am using this linking method wrong, or it is a very useless item.
Anyone else have a database with the 16 table limit? Any hints or suggestions you can share? Are there other tools that would work better then BusObj to put two queries together?
In a message dated 9/25/98, 9:21:43 AM, BUSOB-L@LISTSERV.AOL.COM writes: <<Our new DW will use SQL Server 6.5 as the database, and we have recently learned that there is a 16 table limit in queries. We thought we could get around that by running two separate queries in BusObj, and using the link function in the reporter. Either I am using this linking method wrong, or it is a very useless item.>>
What sort of problems are you running into? There are a number of issues involved in this process, the main one being the data model and how the universe design has been done. To link queries you need “common” objects between the two queries. Typically these are database ID colums. Other items need to be details associated with those linked objects, or be linked themselves. If you can post a specific question about your linking issues perhaps someone can offer a more concrete answer.
The 16 table limit is just one of the more irritating SQL Server / Sybase issues. It usually comes in when people set up views on their data and then use views through a tool like BusinessObjects. Each table in each view counts towards the 16 table limit, so if you use 6 views each with 3 tables then you have too many…
Unless it has been changed recently, there is also a 16 object limit in the “Group By” clause as well.