slow login in designer/supervisor/full client in 6.1b


We had a 6.1b instalation that worked fine more or less until we had a corporate mandated conversion to Active Directory. I can’t be sure that’s what caused the problem, but now logging in takes 2 or 3 minutes as oposed to a few seconds before… Logging into 5.1 full-client has no problems. 6.1 zabo is also fine. Does anybody see a connection between the conversion and the slow login? I’m not a network administrator… From what I’m told, it doesn’t make sense, because 5.1 works fine… :crazy_face:

Italo Sessegolo (BOB member since 2002-08-29)

Hi Italo,

We’re not on e6 yet, but does e6 cache the security model on the server?
If so, maybe every login is causing the security model to refresh the cache.

Chris Pohl :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-18)

It does cache security info but what I’ve seen so far is that it only refreshes on a schedule you define in the admin panel. I’ve also manually refreshed it.

Cindy Clayton :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-11)

We have it setup to update the cache every few hours. I don’t know why or how it would update it every login.

I was thinking that maybe it was an authentication problem between the workstation and the server hosting the repository database. But that sort of thing is really beyond me.

Italo Sessegolo (BOB member since 2002-08-29)

Hi Italo,

Did you manage to resolve this problem? (or does anybody have any other ideas?)
My problem seems to be the same:
2-tier applications take 80 seconds to log on.
Zabo is instant.
Logging on offline is instant.
This seems to be true of every user on every client at every time.
We us windows authentication, XP Clients, Windows 2000 Server, SQL server 2000 repository.
The Repository Hierarchy is flat (no groups within groups)
I’ve Repaired/Compacted the repository to no avail.

  • Peter

Peter Hegarty :ireland: (BOB member since 2004-05-04)

I should have mentioned, we are on 6.1b

Peter Hegarty :ireland: (BOB member since 2004-05-04)

Our problem was solved mysteriously after a couple of days and calls to network people at corporate headquarters. Although nobody admitted to fixing any problems (they never do), we suspect that active directory settings were the culprit, and corporate somehow fixed them.

Italo Sessegolo (BOB member since 2002-08-29)

Check the array fetch size of your BOMain key. Try different settings (configured in Supervisor’s Safe Recovery), including an array fetch size of 1 (disabled).

cjweis (BOB member since 2003-10-02)

Thanks for the advise. I’ll pass it on to the techies & report back.

  • Peter

Peter Hegarty :ireland: (BOB member since 2004-05-04)

The Logging in time had deteriorated to 2 mins, so I had to look at this myself.

Changing the array fetch size in the .sbo file made no difference, nor did twiddling the dials on any of the other parameters.

However when I added HardRefresh=1 (suggested on BOB as a solution to a different problem) the time dropped to 15 secs.

I’d love to know what this means!

  • Peter

Peter Hegarty :ireland: (BOB member since 2004-05-04)

The saga continues…

I rolled this out successfully after Christmas.
Then suddenly last w/e, the login time shot backup exactly where it was before I adjusted the sbo file. “HardRefresh=1” doesn’t work any more and I am back to square 1.

Does anyone have any ideas?

  • Peter

Peter Hegarty :ireland: (BOB member since 2004-05-04)