We have a shared installation with a mix of Windows 95 and Windows NT machines. When we go to do client installations, if the Windows95 or Windows NT machines do not have Administrator rights on the server, the installation fails with a message indicating that OBJECTS.LSI is in use. The only workaround so far is to give them administrator rights temporarily, which is not a good solution.
Does anyone have a workaround or experience with this?
We have the same problem. We gave the users read & write rights to the ShData subdir. Not really the greatest either cuz it contains the bomain.key file. I’d like to change that if there is another way to do this.
Sandy Brotje
Roadway Express
At 07:43 AM 6/25/98 -0400, you wrote:
Hi All:
We have a shared installation with a mix of Windows 95 and Windows NT machines. When we go to do client installations, if the Windows95 or Windows NT machines do not have Administrator rights on the server, the installation fails with a message indicating that OBJECTS.LSI is in use. The only workaround so far is to give them administrator rights temporarily, which is not a good solution.
Does anyone have a workaround or experience with this?
… When we go to do client installations, if the Windows95 or Windows NT machines do not have Administrator rights on the server, the installation fails with a message indicating that OBJECTS.LSI is in use. The only workaround so far is to give them administrator rights temporarily, which is not a good solution.
To my knowlegde, the .lsi/.ssi stuff was mentioned to be used with ‘workgroup installations’, i.e. with no security repository and only file passwords, etc. as security mechanism.
In ‘enterprise mode’, i.e. with security repository and a ‘shared’ configuration I#d suggest to leave ONLY the bomain.key file in the shared directory, set all others to local! You should also set the directories (where the shared/local files are stored) to point to the shared directory where ‘bomain.key’ is located and a (machine-) local directory, respectively. This has the consequences, that a user logging into BusObj gets his (machine-) local copy of the .lsi files, which normally is exactly what he needs - and no more conflicts - and more performance - and … some influence on the ‘personal’ and ‘shared’ data accounts. But those should reside locally, since they are ‘personal’ or ‘shared’ with other machine users then.
Hope this helps…
DI Walter Muellner
Delphi Software GmbH, Vivenotgasse 48, A-1120 Vienna / Austria Tel: +43-1-8151456-12, Fax: +43-1-8151456-21 e-mail: w.muellner@delphi.at, WEB: http://www.delphi.at