Several Document domains (BO 4.1.3)

If you want to create addional document or universes domains, you have to
choose an other oracle account!

But why you want to have this in the same account ?

You can have as many addional domains as you want. The only important point
is, you can have onyl one Security Domain

and several u and d domains. BO will handel your add. d and u domain
without having any problems. For to set

permissions for each domain, it is bether to have it splittet. For example
for each business unit one d and u domain


We have 1 security domain and about 15 u and d domain. You need for each u
domain also a d domain, becouse BO is

storing the *.lov (list of value) files in the document domain.

Hope, this gives you an idea


CSC Aarau

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

In a message dated 99-03-08 15:45:29 EST, you write:

In my Repository currently I have (under one Oracle account)

  • the Security domain
  • a Document domain
  • a Universe domain

Can I create additional Document domains under this same Oracle account?
Someone around here says NO!

Each domain is made up of a set of tables. To have multiple document domains
really means to have multiple copies of tables with the same name. Since a
single Oracle account cannot own two (or more) tables with the same name, the
answer is “no”.

You must set up a different owner (account) for each set of document (or
other) domain tables that you need.

Dave Rathbun
Integra Solutions

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)