Send Method in Version 5.0

Using the below code in VBA to send the document called “Sample” to the repository. If the user belongs to more than one group BusinessObjects displays a screen to choose the group(s).

I need a way to determine if the user selects the cancel button on that screen.

Application.Interactive = True
Set doc = Application.Documents.Open(“Sample”) Application.ExchangeMode = boRepositoryMode Application.ExchangeDomain = “Document”

Frank Szabo

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Hi Frank, I’ve made some modification to your code:

Application.Interactive = False – (False If automated proccess) Application.ExchangeMode = boRepositoryMode Application.ExchangeDomain = “Document”
Set doc = Application.Documents.Open(“Sample”)–(You open the document after you define the repository)

Hope this helps


Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Using the below code in VBA to send the document called “Sample” to the repository. If the user belongs to more than one group BusinessObjects displays a screen to choose the group(s).

I need a way to determine if the user selects the cancel button on that screen. If not, the cancel button can be selected and the document never sent to the repository.

Application.Interactive = True ’ Set to true to display Send dialog box. Application.ExchangeMode = boRepositoryMode Application.ExchangeDomain = “Document”
Set doc = Application.Documents.Open(“Sample”) doc.Send ’ This will display the Send dialog box.

Frank Szabo

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)