Selecting a minimum value which is greater than n

Hello everyone, new poster here. I come from a SQL background so using Webi feels a bit like having one hand tied behind my back… but I am learning to work with it.

I’d be really grateful for some help with a problem: I would like to use a formula to return the minimum (date) value which is greater than the date value in another column. This is what I’m using, but it still returns a #multivalue error:

=Min([2 Actual Date]) Where (Min([2 Actual Date]) >= [Entered_Date])

[2 Actual Date] and [Entered_Date] are both detail variables based on date columns.

Any ideas?

simonb (BOB member since 2014-02-07)


Try this,
If min([actual_date]) > [enter_date] then min([actual_date])

Its work fine.


balraj (BOB member since 2012-11-14)

Hi Balraj, thanks for the reply, but although your syntax works fine the output would not be the same.

Your code would return the minimum value for [actual_date] if it is greater than [enter_date]

I would like to return the minimum value for [actual_date] that is greater than [enter_date]

eg if [enter_date] = 01/01/2014 and [actual_date] = {01/01/2013, 10/01/2014} I would like to return 10/01/2014 - your code would not return any value.

simonb (BOB member since 2014-02-07)

I could not understand your point.Can you give some more details(eg).

Give me a sample screen shot with your report data,if it is possible…


balraj (BOB member since 2012-11-14)