BusinessObjects Board

Seconds to HH:MM:SS conversion


I have converted the seconds stored in the database in to HH:MM:SS format. Below is the syntax.

to_char(trunc(Table name.Column name / 60 / 60), ‘09’) || to_char(trunc(mod(Table name.Column name, 3600) / 60), ‘09’) || to_char(mod(mod(Table name.Column name, 3600), 60), ‘09’)

The same above login needs to be done at the reporting level(WebiXIR2). We have trunc and mod function in bo but we don’t have to_char function in bo.

Any one help me to convert the above logic in WEBIXIR2 report.


stalint (BOB member since 2004-12-14)


This post may get you started:

The formula there is for DeskI but it should not be difficult to re-write it for WebI :wink:

Marek Chladny :slovakia: (BOB member since 2003-11-27)