Save for All users in SDK ??

documentation states:

Definition Sub SaveAs([FileName As String], [ForAllUsers])

Syntax var.SaveAs([fileName], [all])

var is the name of the Document variable that you declare.
fileName is a string that contains the filename of the document without its
extension, or the filename with its path and extension.
all is a Boolean which determines whether or not the document is saved for all

BUT I DO NOT MANAGE TO GET IT TO WORK. It does not compile when I try : CurDoc.SaveAs(Location,1)

Anybody managed to get it to work ???

Frantz Guionnet

fguionne :fr: (BOB member since 2002-08-16)

The clue is that the SaveAs method is documented as a sub (subroutine). Subroutines can be called with or without the implicit Call statement, but that also drives the syntax for how the argumentlist is handled (with or without parentheses). Look at VBA help on the Call statement, but either of these should compile:

CurDoc.SaveAs Location, True ... if Call omitted, parentheses must be omitted
Call CurDoc.SaveAs(Location, True) ... if Call included, parentheses must be included

My personal preference is the second syntax, but either should work. Hope this helps.

Dwayne Hoffpauir :us: (BOB member since 2002-09-19)

It worked well using the syntax you mentionned.

That was really a “Basic” Question.

Thank you for taking the time to answer.

fguionne :fr: (BOB member since 2002-08-16)