BusinessObjects Board

[SAP BI 4.1]How to mass purge webi doc

hi Everybody,

I search one method to purge all webi documents in filestore.

i found one method with restful for webi. That method should purge one webi document. i use (after some configuration) the url command line below :

methode : PUT

i have a success message, but the document is not purged.
i would like to create some script witch could purge all of webidocument.

We have more than 850 webidocument, and we have not enough space disk on SAP BI 's server…
Someone could be help me please ?

sidewolf (BOB member since 2011-03-15)

nobody knows …

sidewolf (BOB member since 2011-03-15)

I certainly don’t…but is there a chance that the majority of your space is taken up by scheduled instances rather than the original report? You could set some instance limits (if you don’t already have any) and see how your space problems go…

Nick Daniels :uk: (BOB member since 2002-08-15)

i have more than 850 webi documents. yes i have some few instances …
I suggested to schedule some report with some empty prompt to flush all of documents…

But it’s it’s will take too long to schedule more than 850 webi documents.

so, i search the new way to activate the purge option for all of document.

I found restful api and sdk for webi to purge webi document in mass with that following command line :

but i need to develop a loop to call that command line for all of document … but i dont know how to do that

sidewolf (BOB member since 2011-03-15)

You don’t need to schedule anything, just set some folder Instance Limits via the CMC.

Nick Daniels :uk: (BOB member since 2002-08-15)

That wouldn’t work in any case, you would just create an empty instance :?

Mak 1 :uk: (BOB member since 2005-01-06)

For all of webi documents ? it’s will take too much time do to that…
Moreover, some user saved the webi document with datas … it’s not a use case.

So i really interested to work and study restful for webi + sdk to develop on program witch could purge all of webi documents. And schedule that program every week …

You know what i mean …

sidewolf (BOB member since 2011-03-15)

I said it wouldn’t work :).

There is a full method here, but you will have to define the loop yourself. There is also a link to the SDK guide, I’m sure a looping example will be defined in there.

Mak 1 :uk: (BOB member since 2005-01-06)

all right…but
I’m not as sure as you are :stuck_out_tongue: i really think that could be work

I already saw that topic… and i try to do what it’s written.

I use POSTMAN API to use Restful, and when i wrote

after some configuration

i have a sucessful, but when i opened the webi document, it’s was not purge…

sidewolf (BOB member since 2011-03-15)

It won’t.

When you schedule a report with an empty prompt you will create an empty instance not purge the report.

I promise :stuck_out_tongue:

Mak 1 :uk: (BOB member since 2005-01-06)

Oh I think there is a misunderstanding … i really want to purge documents …
not scheduling with empty prompt. I said that to find another way that purge …

sidewolf (BOB member since 2011-03-15)