Sample DAS scripts to Send Emails through Groupwise.


I have no experiance with scripting but what I am trying to do is to refresh a document and then automatically convert into excel and put it in a shared drive and send me an email if the refresh was sucessfull or not. I have seen sample scripts in the list serv which are really useful for me and which serves my pupose what I am trying to achieve. But I have one problem, we use Groupwise 4.1 for sending emails and the scripts that I have seen are for Outlook application.

What are the different parameters and the code change I have to do for Groupwise 4.1 in order to send emails for example (posted by Pierrot in listserv) in the code below

Sub SendMail (strSubj as String,strMsg as String) Dim OlkApp as Object 'Outlook.Application Dim NewMail as Object 'MailItem
Set OlkApp = CreateObject(“Outlook.Application”) Set NewMail = OlkApp.CreateItem(olMailItem) With NewMail
.To = “
.Subject = strSubj
.Body = strMsg
.Importance = 2
End With
End Sub

Any suggestions are really helpful.

Thanks in advance

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)