BusinessObjects Board

Sales Rapidmart - Collect Stats Error

Our Sales Rapidmart job runs fine for initial load and for incremental load it throws an “Access Violation” error.

When we run the job to run in “collect stats for optimization” mode… the job starts using INMEMORY instead of PAGEABLE cache and executes successfully. For subsequent runs, we use “Use Collected Stats” and the job runs fine.
We have a SAP ticket logged into get a permanent fix and we are going with this temporary fix.

We were good with this approach in our QA environment.

In production, when I run the job “Collect stats for optimization” mode…the job does not collect stats but continues to run in PAGEABLE cache and fails with “ACCESS Violation” error.

Why does my production job not collect stats? I compared the DSConfig.tx file between QA and Prod and did not see anything different.

Appreciate the help!


adbas (BOB member since 2010-01-12)