BusinessObjects Board

RFC error while connecting BW and BODS

Hi Friends,

I am a novice to BW-BODS integration activities and currently am in need of help from YOU experts here in this forum.

In my current project, we have to integrate our BW system with BODS and I took the challenge of doing that. :shock:

Before going into the details of the error, I would give you some info about the existing environment.
BODS – Version is BO and BODS are installed in the same server)
BW – Version is 701 SP5

I have done the following steps till now:
a) Since we don’t have BW7.3, we created a new external source in BW.
We followed the steps : RSA1; Source systems; External system ; create ; Gave logical system and source system names ; In the next RFC destination screen ; gave a program id(say SAPBODS), Gateway host; IP address of the BODS server, Gateway service as sapgw00
b)In the BODS management console we gave the following credentials:
RFC program Id as SAPBODS (same name which was given in BW)
Username - the one which I give to log into SAP BW
PWD - the one which I give to log into SAP BW
SAP Application server name - the IP address which I got from the properties of BW server in logon pad
Client number - the number which I got from the properties of BW server in logo pad
System number - the number which I got from the properties of BW server in logonpad
SAP Gateway Hostname - the same IP which I gave for the Sap application server name
SAP Gateway service name - sapgw00 (the same name which I have given in BW earlier)

Now when I ran the above created RFC service interface in BODS ; It’s showing as STARTED.

Now when I do the connection test of the RFC destination in SM59 (which I created initially in step a), I am getting the connection error(as shown in the attchment).

PS: The BODS/BO server is running on Windows platform and the BW OS is HP-UX and Oracle DB.

The basis team here is also looking into the issue.
Parallely, I just want to ensure that I have not missed out any basic steps in between.
I have been searching lot of forums including this to find a solution for this but unfortunately I could not get a suitable solution.
So thought of taking your help……Please let me know if some body can help me out with a suitable solution for my issue.
Did I miss out any steps as am afraid am new to this integration…. :cry:

Please excuse me if you find the same post in SAP SDN aswell because am deeply in need of a solution for this. :o

:lol: Lot and lot of doubts are yet to come but all those pertains to the subsequent steps after making this connection successful. :lol:

Many thanks in advance,
RFC error in SAP BW.png

prabhithp (BOB member since 2012-09-13)


We have finally found the solution for the error.

The simple summary of the error solution is when you give the credentials for creating a external source system in RSA1,better dont give the gateway host and gateway service if you are not 100% sure about it(in simple words, keep them blank)

The system itself will manipulate it(default gateway value) with the program id, provided you give the same(case sensitive) in both the ends(BW and BODS)

Once again thanks for all your support.

Would like to close this issue here.
In case if someone faces any issue concerning this integration, please be kind enough to let us know about the same,because we had done a lot of iterations/research before reaching this final solution. :lol:


prabhithp (BOB member since 2012-09-13)

Did you manage to create a DataSource?

Extreamrav :south_africa: (BOB member since 2011-08-23)