BusinessObjects Board

Retrieval of one record among two records using filters

In database if the Flag=Y it shd be Project, Flag=N it shd be request.
But am getting some records like Flag=Y and Flag=N with same Project ID’s. Like Prj_ID=100 Flag=Y, Prj_ID=100 Flag=N, Prj_ID=101 Flag=N,
Prj_ID=102 Flag=Y. The report with prj_ID=100 is displaying two tabs of project IDs ie Request and Project. But, I need to retrieve only project and not the request. Like if i give Project_ID=100 it shd display only those records related to project where Flag=N and not Flag=Y. I got this result in SQL by using these statements Count(prj_ID)>1 and Flag=1 Union Count(Prj_ID)=1 group by prj_ID. I have to get the result by using some filters and formulae and get the desired result WEBIXI R2 and get the requried result. Please help me
Thanks Hemanth

Hemanthlps (BOB member since 2007-04-02)

By “shd”, do you mean “should”? If so, please avoid personal abbreviations, so that everyone can read your post.

Are you the universe designer, and you are asking a Designer question? Please give us more details. Are you creating one or more objects? Are these normal objects or predefined conditions? Please tell us what you are SELECTing exactly – and so on.

Or are you just a report builder, with no control over the objects?

Either way, this question does not belong in the forum for legacy pre-XI versions of BusinessObjects – WebI versions 1.x and 2.x are the old versions that correspond to BusinessObjects versions 4.x and 5.x. So when you clarify a little more, either I or another moderator will move this topic to the correct forum.

Anita Craig :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-17)

I meant shd means should. Iam a report developer with no control over universe. I tried these conditions like count(prj_id)>1 and flag=N or
count(prj_id)=1 in Edit report filter pane.

Hemanthlps (BOB member since 2007-04-02)