Category A : those who can create reports and edit dataprovider on BO.
Category B : those who can only view a report, refresh the report by only modifying the time frame or another condition. That is, the users in this category cannot create new reports.
Is it possible to do such a thing on Business Objects?
This is the exact facility which is available with BO Supervisor. May be a Supervisor training would be of more help. You can ask your BO Supervisor to create the first group of your users as Analysts and the second group as Read-Refreshers.
But make sure that you have those number of licenses purchased from BusinessObjects.
For the categorie A , you create a first group. And by default, this group can only use Reporter, Business query and Webintelligence. When you create user in this group, all users can make reports and edit dataprovider.
For the categorie B, you create another group. and the panel Configuration, you must double-click on the BusinessObjects icone. then in the new panel, select on your left document and then select on your right make a document and change the state at the bottom to lock. All users than you put in this group can’t make any new report, but they can open and refresh existing reports
Since I do not have rights to modifiy these user restrictions on supervisor, I cannot really test the solution you gave me. This is why I have a second question
If we lock the Create Documents property, will the user be able to edit the dataprovider of a report sent to him?
Yes the user will be able to Edit DP’s even though Create Doc rights have been removed… Locking Edit DP is also possible but that will be a different set of restriction to be done at Supervisor level…
If you haven’t right to change parameters from the differents modules of Business objects, you have 2 options to solve this problem :
When you connect to superviseur, you must use a user which have a general-supervisor Profil. With this profil, you can do all then take care at what you do.
the other solution is to contact a user which have a general-supervisor or you connect with your profil of general-superviseur. Then you attribute, for the user you have use before, the right of modify profil : for this you have to unlock the option Modify command attribute in the part Configuration from the configuration of the options of the supervisor.
Sorry but i don’t see other solution for your problem, except change the right of users in the supervisor.