RESTful Web Service Cannot Reach CMS

We are having issues configuring a third-party application which uses RESTful web service calls. In order to isolate the issue I am testing using Postman.

This is all new to me so I may be off on some of the terminology. I am following the documentation here.

I can do the GET http://<baseURL>/logon/long call just fine.

However when I try the POST http://<baseURL>/logon/long call I get this error.

Could not reach CMS ‘<MyWebServer>:6400’. Specify the correct host and port and check for network issues. (FWM 20030)

The error makes sense given the CMS name it is trying since is not my CMS. In this production environment our application server and web server are separate machines. It should be my application server name in there for the CMS it is trying not my web server.

When I try this same call on my test environment it works fine. I get a logon token back. The main difference is that in my test environment my application server and web server are the same machine.

So my question is where is it coming up with that my CMS is my web server rather than my application server?


CMS name is the application server name. This will be consistent whether your application and web server is on the same server or on different servers.

How is it that error message from the RESTful web service call says the CMS that it cannot reach is my web server name rather than my application server name?

​I figured out my problem. The CMS_Default property in my file in the <InstallDirectory>\tomcat\webapps\biprws\WEB-INF\config\default direcotry was set to <MyWebServer>:6400.

I updated it to <MyAppServer>:6400, restarted Tomcat, and now my RESTful web service calls are working as expected.


Nice ! don’t forget to mark this post as the answer of the topic :wink:
Thanks !

I was trying to figure out how to do to mark my response as the answer, but I do not see the “Solution” check box referenced in this post. That post links to the Discourse documentation on the Solved plugin. There it mentions that this feature needs to be enable on each topic. Does this need to be enabled on “sdk development”?

good one… I have just enabled it :wink: thanks !

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