Please use this topic to reserve your BOB shirts for conference delivery only. Please post only your desired size and quantity. If you have questions about the shirts or anything related to the shirts, please use this topic instead.
Posts that don’t follow the request will be cheerfully deleted.
If you are not attending the conference, not to worry, we’re printing more shirts this year than we did last year, and are sure to have leftovers. We’ll set up an order form for mail-order shirts after the conference.
Updated on Oct 17 to show quantities ordered / remaining
Quantities Available Ordered Remaining
Medium 24 6 18
Large 24 8 16
Extra Large 24 0 24
Extra Extra Large 6 6 0
Done. That is, unfortunately, the last XXL of BOB-T V2 that I have. Last year we made 12 and only sold 7, so this year I only made 6. I still have 5 XXL BOB-T V1 from last year that I will bring in case anyone wants that size. As mentioned elsewhere, BOB-T V1 XXL will be $7.50.