situation: two BO 5.1 server with WI 2.7, one is to be discontinued so the reports have been copied to the other one.
I made sure both servers are talking to the same database, exported the universes and the reports. All seemed fine.
When I now want to refresh a report I get:
(BOMGR0060) IDispatch error #109 Cannot find the universe. (DA0011): [] The following data providers have not been successfully refreshed: Query 1 with . (DMA0007):
I have no idea what I may have done wrong. Any ideas, please?
You didn’t move your repository, right? Then you shouldn’t have needed to re-export universes nor reports. Why did you do that?
The only thing that I’ve have thought you’d have to do would be to install and configure WebI on the new server, and copy over personal documents into the appropriate file system directories under Server\WebIntelligence 2.5\Storage
Part of installing and configuring WebI on the new server would be to install and configure your database middleware, and to put the BOMain.key file (called exactly that) into x:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects 5.0\LocData\ – and that should be the only key file in that folder.
The repository was moved, too. Thats why the re-export was needed.
The new server already has a installed and working WI running, it was not a new installation. We want to merge two servers (separate WI installations) into one.
You’re mixing apples and oranges, then. Repository moves and recombinations have nothing to do with WebI server moves and recombinations.
1.) Let’s focus on the repository changes to start.
Did you move the repository to a new database server? What were the steps that you took to do that (because, if you did it following the steps in the Supervisor FAQ, you still shouldn’t have had to re-export the universes and reports).
Or was it that you were combining two repositories into one? What were the steps that you took to do that.
2.) Has the “new” WebI server had its middleware configured so that it “knows” the new repository as well as the database(s) from which “moved” universes/reports pull data?
thanks for your reply.
First of all I was wrong, I didn’t move to a new repository, I still use the old one, just the IP-Address of the database is different because it is accessed from a different network - that caused a little confusion.
Now, just the WI server is different one.
BTW: when opening the report in WI, option edit, I can run it without problems but it does ask me which universe to use.
Situation is (a bit more detailed):
Current WI installation has many repository domains and a universe with the same name as the erroring one is already present but in a different domain. Could the error be that there are two universes attached to different domains but sharing the same name?
I guess that the current setup is bad but my only goal is “make it work” - not the most elegant approach as I know.
I’m afraid I don’t really know what went wrong, but the same-named universe in different domains is a good guess. But if you always had this situation, I don’t know why you’d just now start to see symptoms.
I haven’t worked with multiple domains – but perhaps if you re-exported your universes after refreshing/re-exporting the reports – that could have caused a problem.