Reports default to everyone?

In supervisor you can define users and groups and define what reports they have access too.

However, it appears that when you create a new report and send it to the repository, all users have access to it. You have to go into supervisor and then remove it from everyone who shouldn’t see it.

Is there a way to change this to behave just the opposite? i.e. If I create a new report, no one should have access to it unless I give them access.


Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

This is only the case if you are using a General Supervisor account. If you belong to a group, only that group will be able to see the report (subsequently since the General Supervisor belongs to the root and security is cascaded, everyone can see it).If you belong to multiple groups the ‘publish to’ will allow you to choose which groups to ‘send to’.

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)


That’s a good question. I have the same irritant. What I do is disable a new report at the highest level, then enable it for those groups/users that need to see it. I’d love a better way, but that works for now.

Michael Welter
Sr. Technical Analyst

In supervisor you can define users and groups and define what reports they have access too.

However, it appears that when you create a new report and send it to the repository, all users have access to it. You have to go into supervisor and then remove it from everyone who shouldn’t see it.

Is there a way to change this to behave just the opposite? i.e. If I create a new report, no one should have access to it unless I give them access.

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)