Reporter v6 : open on retrieval after doc download from repo

Hi all,

Under BO FC when i want to import documents from repo the “open on retrieval” check box is always unchecked ! How could i set it checked for ever ???

Thanks for answers :wink:

I use BO 6.1.3



     I use 6.5.1, the check box is checked when ever I select a document.


neo (BOB member since 2004-11-21)

An answer can be found here:

Figured this one out. I was able to get the dialog box to reset back to checked by default by doing the following:

File/Retrieve From/Corporate Documents
Pick a document and check the box
Close the dialog without actually retrieving the document

Next time you go in, it will be checked by default…at least it was for me.

poperor :sweden: (BOB member since 2005-01-17)


Thanks for your answer, i’ll check and tell you if it works :wink:


Hi poperor,

Thanks for your help !
It’s a strange way to set up preferences :wink: You check them and then click upon close or cancel !!!
