report value


I have a column that has a corrosponding row in an other column which is null sometimes and sometimes it has certain value, when its null it doesnt appear in the report , it only appears when it has a value

what can i do to make it appear even if it doesnt have a value…

MODEL ------------NUMBER

DELTA --------------2

if delta has no value report looks like this


i need the following result

DELTA --------------0

amdel61 :us: (BOB member since 2004-07-14)

2 choices.

  1. Do an outer join.

  2. Build a second data provider that returns the master list of values. Display the dimension from that data provider.

Steve Krandel :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

thanx for the response but the problem is

the other unmatching row is not a table column its a object in the universe (measure) which is set for prompts also i tried using new data provider it gives the same value for every row

amdel61 :us: (BOB member since 2004-07-14)

Try formatting the Measure Object in the universe and set the value to “0” when it encounters a null value.

sskchak (BOB member since 2004-06-21)

MODEL ------------NUMBER

DELTA --------------2

In BusinessObjects Report, just create a new table composed by 2 columns: in the first column you write static strings such as “ALPHA”, “BETA”, “GAMMA”. In the first column you insert a MEASURE created in BusinessObjects Designer in order to COUNT (this means, “measure type of aggregation: COUNT”) the occurrences of ALPHA, …

Of course, you need K measure objects:

  1. Measure object to count ALPHA occurrences;
  2. Measure object to count DELTA occurrences;
  3. Measure object to count GAMMA occurrences;

    K) Measure object to count … occurrences.

This problem is solved only if the list ALPHA, DELTA, GAMMA is well known and STATIC.

If we are speaking about a DYNAMIC list, let us know! :wink:

Christian Konrads :it: (BOB member since 2004-07-21)

I used my STATIC technique to count several type of alarms in the GSM/TACS environment:

Warning / Critical / Indeterminate / Major / Minor / No Value

As you can see, we are speaking about a static list composed by 6 elements, so the creation of 6 measures “ad hoc” is easy and convenient.

If you have 9999 elements, or DYNAMIC elements, my solution is not accessible and hard to code!!

Christian Konrads :it: (BOB member since 2004-07-21)