Report User Help Text

I have some generic prompts that are in the universe for example RunDate. I need to give the user running the report some direction on what values to enter on the report. Is there anyway to embed help into the report that either they can click on or is shown somewhere.

  1. I would make the prompts more detailed but since the same prompt from the universe is in many reports they all have to have the same name
  2. Currently these reports are being built in Business Objects full client
  3. Ultimately I need this user help text work in Infoview also

dswarts (BOB member since 2004-04-27)

Can you keep your “help” short? If so, it can easily be incorporated into the single one from your universe.

For example: Enter fiscal year-month (in format YYYYMM, e.g. 200408)

Anita Craig :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-17)

a few thoughts:

You can still use the object helptext for prompt objects or filters

If you want to put the instructions right in the report, You can put text blocks right into fc reports … i’ve seen some nice things done with a seperate instructions tab for a report … you could also embed hyperlinks if you want the report to be clickable


Chris Pohl :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-18)