Report unbalanced

My requirement is like this .There are 5 products and 5 groups with 10 team members.
Not all the TMs sell all products all the day.In the database to avoid wastage of space we store only the valid sales.Hence the report its a sort of unbalanced. One group has 5 columns(as they have sold 5 products) and another group only 1.
Is there a way to avoid this.
All i can think is
1.Have zero valued records in DB(wastage of space)
2.Outer Join (Performance issue).

Is there any better way of doing this
Thanks in advance

sajsuresh (BOB member since 2004-07-18)

The other way is presently only available in full-client documents (which can be refreshed in WebI). And that is to have a simple little query that returns all of the products (to use in the top of the cross-tab), hopefully which runs against a small dimension table.

And then in full-client, link that to your regular query, which returns the products for each group/TM.

Even WebI 6.5 does not yet all multiple linked data providers (which is what this is called) – but a future version of 6.5 supposedly will/may.

Anita Craig :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-17)