Hi All,
I would like to create a report to find out the Universe which is using my XYZ table.
I have 50 Universes in my repository and would like to find out, Which Universe was having this XYZ TABLE ?. Is there any custom SQL we can get this info ?
Please help…
Business Objects provides a universe called managero.unv for the repository. Using managero you should be able to get the report you are looking for. There is a lot of discussion about this universe if you search for managero. The universe and some repository documentation is located on the install disk: VOL1\Freeware. I didn’t see what release you are on but this is the path for versions 5.x
Thanks for the replies,
I’m on version BO 6.5 version and tried to catch up with default universes, and didnt find an easy way to find out the table.
I dont see ManagerO Universe in my list…
I will keep trying on the above suggestions and let me know if you find any other suggestions.
Thanks, --Ellis