Report ID, CUID & Report Name


I am on 3.1 and I need to get the below information -

Report ID–CUID-- Report Name

Right now we are doing this manually, like clicking right on report name and going to properties and then copying it from there to excel and we need to do the same thing for around 80 reports which is very time consuming, could someone please suggest me a better way to do this…?

aniketp :uk: (BOB member since 2007-10-05)

I’ve never used it, but this utility looks to be the solution you’re looking for:

BoB LoblaW :us: (BOB member since 2007-10-23)

It’s giving me some vb error. And also I checked there is more information than required, so it won’t help me… as I am on secured domain, it takes time to process that excel also.

Is there any faster way of doing this? Or say any interface like Query builder where I can write a query & get the output…?

I am on 3.1 SP2 & trying to figure out the solution, but still no success. :frowning:

aniketp :uk: (BOB member since 2007-10-05)

yes, use Query Builder.

Marfi :poland: (BOB member since 2006-12-18)

I am not sure of the builder query…

Also there are 100 folders in DEV environment & I need to find CUID and Report ID of reports placed in a single folder say ABC…

Could someone please guide me how to get the above information? I am trying since days , but not able to achieve as I can’t access query builder also… :frowning: :frowning:

aniketp :uk: (BOB member since 2007-10-05)

Hi Aniket,
Use query builder and following query

where 12345 is SI_ID of the folder that contains your reports.

You can access query builder at

where boserver is the name of your BOBJ server.

Raghvendra Deshpande

Raghvendra Deshpande :india: (BOB member since 2008-05-26)

I am on 3.1 & I got the access to CMC… There I can see instance manager, but Query builder is not visible, can you please help me in navigating to query builder?

aniketp :uk: (BOB member since 2007-10-05)

Just use this link in your Internet Explorer:


That should work.

jooken :austria: (BOB member since 2009-02-20)

Jooken, thanks for your prompt response. Actually I am on Secured domain, so not able to find the exact server name … & the thing is I have got one link, when I click on that link, it asks for a environment like DEV OR SIT & as per my selection it goes to the CMC of that environment.

Suppose if I select DEV, it will ask for credantials & on giving correct credantials it is taking me in CMC where I can see instance manager & all CMC settings. That’s why I am very confused… :crazy_face: :crazy_face:

aniketp :uk: (BOB member since 2007-10-05)

Any ideas how to get to the Query builder, is it possible to access it through CMC?

aniketp :uk: (BOB member since 2007-10-05)

Can someone please help me in this, I tried many ways to find Query builder but I guess either it has been hided or how to find the correct Url for our BO Server? :frowning: :frowning:

aniketp :uk: (BOB member since 2007-10-05)

Can you say, why you confused

Arjun (BOB member since 2008-07-28)

Actually we don’t have links of DEV & UAT environment, we have got a link, on which if we click it asks for login id and password & then there is another window which opens & there we have to select DEV or UAT environment, so that’s why I am not able to find the proper Server Name on which I need to run Query builder & that’s why I am confused, still no success… & also I am not able to find any alternate way to find these details … :frowning:

aniketp :uk: (BOB member since 2007-10-05)

hi Aniket,

Stop searching…this is all you need!!!

It should help you mate

calleT74 :australia: (BOB member since 2007-03-30)

Hi Calle,

Thanks a lot for that link… I used that many a time, and the problem is -

We work on secured domain & that excel fatches all information, due to which it takes lot hell time…

And also there are around 30K reports in our system, and I don’t need information for all those reports. I need details of only 70 reports which are present in a particular folder, that’s why I was looking for Query builder, in which I can get the exact information as Raghvendra suggested.

Kindly let me know if you need more information… once again thanks.

aniketp :uk: (BOB member since 2007-10-05)

Can’t you just ask your network or sysadmin for the server name?

BoB LoblaW :us: (BOB member since 2007-10-23)

Finally got the link…Actually I asked many a times, but request went unseen.

Now there is a folder under Public Folders & I am trying to find SI_PARENTID for that folder, but for many folders it is showing 0, so can someone please help me this?

aniketp :uk: (BOB member since 2007-10-05)

What query/method are you using? If you have the ID of the folder whose parent you want, you can find the parent ID with this query in Query Builder:

select si_name, si_parentid from ci_infoobjects where si_id = ID_OF_THE_FOLDER

BoB LoblaW :us: (BOB member since 2007-10-23)

BoB LoblaW, Thanks for your help… Again I am confused… :crazy_face: .

Ok this is my exact requirement -

There is a folder under Public folders and it contains some reports. Now I need to find Report Name, Report ID , Report CUID for those reports.

SI_ID for that folder is 1873. And I used the below query -

select si_name, si_parentid, si_id from ci_infoobjects where si_kind = 'Folder'

But when I use your query, it is not showing anything , means report names are not displayed. Can you please help?

Finally got it working… thanks to all. I did following things -

1.Go to the BO Query Builder Link

  1. System: SystemName
    User Name: Administrator
    Password: ********

3.Now first you need to find the SI_ID of a particular folder in which reports are present, so for that use the below query –


Here search for the folder name, ABC & verify SI_PARENTID = 0 & note down the SI_ID

4.Now go back to the query builder & write below query
(SI_ID which you got from above query, is now SI_PARENTID for below queries)


(For ABC reports)
Above query will give you the list of all reports in ABC folder & their Report_ID & Report_CUID.

aniketp :uk: (BOB member since 2007-10-05)

Again I ran into serious issues…

We created new reports in our DEV environment, and migrated them to UAT using VM., but CUID & Report ID of all reports are changed.

We need to have same CUIDs in UAT also. Is there any workaround for this? We are completely unaware of what is going on and how to recover CUIDS from DEV to UAT?

Could someone please help ?

aniketp :uk: (BOB member since 2007-10-05)