Remove Header's Line from Report

i use BO to access Personal Data file for report that are txt or Excel file. i have create txt by creating a batch file and schedule it to run everyday. it use Microsoft Sql server database and sql to query the data and dump the file to an address then my BO will refresh and get the latest data…

i have one problem is when the sql dump the data to the txt file, it will have the header’s line as shown below

A    B
---- ----

so in BO, i have to do a filter to remove the header line

i would like to know, how i can remove the line header when the sql dump the data to the txt file so that i don’t have to use BO to filter it. what is the command to remove the header line from the txt?

ice (BOB member since 2003-08-13)

Humm, if you want to remove the line header without having to use BO, you have to do it in Batch or with SQL server, so, it’s not a BO question and you are not in the good forum :wink:

in BO, without using a filter, maybe you can add a condition removing the “—” like in the query

where columA <> “—”

bernard timbal :fr: (BOB member since 2003-05-26)

yeah, it got to do with sql as i am using isqlw command to run my baych file…

ice (BOB member since 2003-08-13)

So, you can apply the where column <> “—”… condition
Did you check it ?

bernard timbal :fr: (BOB member since 2003-05-26)

you mean in BO, yeah i can do that

ice (BOB member since 2003-08-13)