BusinessObjects Board

Relativevalue for all fields in the line

This is the issue:

First did not understand because in relative value I only used the date, the time and the log by.
But as you can see it skips if other fields are not the same value.

Is there an easier way around then putting in all the names of the fields??
As you see I hid a lot of columns.

Maybe even better if I could do all fields and exclude some because the 3 fields I mentioned are the block in which it should look (all is already sorted on these 3 fields)

The formula:
=RelativeValue([Log Time];([Logged On Date_Local];[Universal Addendum - Logged By];[Log Time]);1)

did you try to exclude all the unwanted fields with ForAll() ?

No… not sure what you mean I think.
Wrap a ForAll() around it? Or as part of the formula?