Hi there,
I have a requirement that i need to get Query name as showed in my below report .
much appreciate if you provide guidence on this …
query Name :America (coming from Oracle DB )
SNO Country Stage City
1 USA CT New London
2 USA MI Detroit
3 USA CA Sanfransisco
4 USA CT Hartford
5 USA NH Portsmith
6 USA NJ Edison
Query Name: India (Coming from Access Database)
SNO Country State City
7 India AP Guntur
8 India TGN Karimnagar
9 India TN Chennai
10 India MH Mumbai
11 India AP Vijayawada
12 India TGN Warangal
both the datasources are created in one universe(.unx) and Merged Both the dimentions as in report level:
SNO Country Stage City Query Name
1 USA CT New London America
2 USA MI Detroit America
3 USA CA Sanfransisco America
4 USA CT Hartford America
5 USA NH Portsmith America
6 USA NJ Edison America
7 India AP Guntur India
8 India TGN Karimnagar India
9 India TN Chennai India
10 India MH Mumbai India
11 India AP Vijayawada India
12 India TGN Warangal India
janakiramca (BOB member since 2010-03-17)