Refresh Vs Run

I got question on ‘Refresh’ and ‘Run’ differences. I remember some time back I read that Run will regenerte the query before executing and refresh will not regenerate the query. Is it true?

If this is the case how come my latest universe changes are affected when I click on the refresh for my report? Am I missing something…??


Niceman (BOB member since 2003-07-15)

If you have made the changes locally to the Universe, then it will not matter that you run or refresh as your query will report against the Universe on your local directory, not bringing in the one from the repository.


I have had problems with reports not always picking up changes to Universe when refresh is clicked and throwing the old SQL at the database. I think this is version specific but I always find it safer to ask users to run rather than refresh if I have made changes to an object used within a report.

JohnH :uk: (BOB member since 2003-08-19)

Which version are you in? Is it happening if you go to datamanager and click on Refresh for each dataprovider??

…So you mean there is no difference between Run and Refresh w.r.t local universe?? :confused:

Niceman (BOB member since 2003-07-15)

If you Refresh the report, universe changes won’t be reflected in report.

It is only when you go to Query panel that the report is verified against universe and any change that might have taken place in universe will be reflected in your report.

So Refresh means just refreshing the report with whatever structure it was created with.

When you RUN, you might get a different output if something has changed in universe.

mkumar (BOB member since 2002-08-26)

Thanks! I was in the same impression but some time back I had changed some object definition and refreshed my report (already published one) and I could see the changes in the report.

Is Universe change in the repository force the queries to regenerate when you click on refresh either on Infoview or fullclient???


Niceman (BOB member since 2003-07-15)

I don’t see any differences between refresh and run in 5.1.6. We make changes to the universe and all changes gets reflected in the reports with opening the query panel( i.e. without using run)

Which version u r using ?

Each time u refresh/run query gets regenerated for the report from the present in the universe folder. If the universe is exported then a new verison will be imported from the repository and query will be generated.

JaiGupta (BOB member since 2002-09-12)

Yes, because you opened the query panel. :wink:

If you refresh from the toolbar without opening the query in the query panel, you will use the original object definitions. Try this… put a variable together that shows the SQL for the data provider. Display that variable on the report. Now make a change to the object definition in the universe, and open and refresh the report. Note that the SQL does not change.

Now if you open the query panel, the SQL will be updated because the universe is loaded into memory and the changes applied.

Or if you disable the “Do not always regenerate SQL” option in Supervisor it will have the same affect.

This is a problem for BCA jobs, as they will continue to run the “old” SQL when universe changes are made.

Sample formula for testing this:


Put that on your report and do the test. You might be surprised.

Dave Rathbun :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-06)

Hi Dave,
I missed “without” in my comment

Read it as

I did the test as mentioned by you using the formula on Lease.unv.

Here is what I did

Create a report using Address and Gender Object from the universe and create a formula

Var = DataProviderSQL(DataProvider())

and display in the report.

Now you will have the following query

  Table__1.Address ,
  `Customer information`  Table__1

Save the report. and don’t Close Business Objects.

Now make changes in the universe.

I made gender object as

`Customer information`.Gender +`Customer information`.Gender

save the universe.

Now refresh the report. You will see the same old query though you have changed the object mapping.

Now Close Business Objects and log back in once again and open the report.

Now refresh it .

Now below SQL is displayed

I never clicked on the Edit query panel at any point of time during the whole process.

So query will be regenerated every time You refresh/run the report provided you logged out of BO after making changes to the universe or if you have used Tool–> Universes → Refresh

Whenever Business Objects realizes that universe version has changed than the query will be regenerated.

I don’t think this is problem for BCA jobs as query will be regenerated each time verison does not match.

Please let me know if I am not clear.

JaiGupta (BOB member since 2002-09-12)

Yes, I can verify the same thing happens in my test.

This is not what I have experienced in the past, but you are correct. Today when I repeated the test it did regenerate the SQL by closing and opening BusinessObjects.

Again, that is the behavior that I see today. I am quite certain that it is not the way it used to work, as I tested this very thoroughly with an earlier version.

With 5.1.5 I don’t think that this is true. I spent several hours proving that to myself at a client site.

Oh, you’re certainly clear. 8) But I believe that the behavior has changed, as the last time I tested this was not the case.

It’s good to know that it is fixed now.

Dave Rathbun :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-06)

I have also seen the same behaviour in 5.1.2. In that version it did not refreshed the SQL but once I upgraded to 5.1.6 SQL was getting regenerated with each refresh.

JaiGupta (BOB member since 2002-09-12)

I’m on 5.1.6 and run or refresh makes no difference, but some of my users are on 5.0.x. So I generally make sure they run each data provider if I have altered objects (which I try and avoid)

JohnH :uk: (BOB member since 2003-08-19)