Hi Dave,
I missed “without” in my comment
Read it as
I did the test as mentioned by you using the formula on Lease.unv.
Here is what I did
Create a report using Address and Gender Object from the universe and create a formula
Var = DataProviderSQL(DataProvider())
and display in the report.
Now you will have the following query
Table__1.Address ,
`Customer information` Table__1
Save the report. and don’t Close Business Objects.
Now make changes in the universe.
I made gender object as
`Customer information`.Gender +`Customer information`.Gender
save the universe.
Now refresh the report. You will see the same old query though you have changed the object mapping.
Now Close Business Objects and log back in once again and open the report.
Now refresh it .
Now below SQL is displayed
I never clicked on the Edit query panel at any point of time during the whole process.
So query will be regenerated every time You refresh/run the report provided you logged out of BO after making changes to the universe or if you have used Tool–> Universes → Refresh
Whenever Business Objects realizes that universe version has changed than the query will be regenerated.
I don’t think this is problem for BCA jobs as query will be regenerated each time verison does not match.
Please let me know if I am not clear.
JaiGupta (BOB member since 2002-09-12)