Refresh after working hours

I’m not sure what you’re asking here. Are you saying you want people to be
able to build reports, but not be able to run them at all? Ever? You want
people to build reports and submit them to DAS instead? You want DAS to do
ALL of the data retrieval for ALL of your users during a four hour window at

Or are you just referring to after-hours reporting? Do you want people to
have the ability to build and run reports to their hearts’ content between 8
and 5, but after 5 require them to submit reports to the DAS for processing

If it is the former, you could simply define the universe with minimal data
retrieval parameters, say 1 row and 1 minute. (Will BO let you define a
universe with parameters of 0 rows and 0 minutes?) Users can build reports,
but if they try to run them, they get no data.

If it is the latter, you have a more difficult task ahead of you, because as
you have discovered, you can’t use the “timestamp tab” in Supervisor on a
particular permission – only on the whole module itself.

I don’t think there is any solution to this through BO itself. But you
might be able to do something behind the scenes. You might be able to write
a batch job that runs SQL against the repository tables in the database
directly, which dynamically turns off the refresh query parameter for all of
your users at 5:00 – then a second batch job turns it back on at 8:00.

Or, you might be able to manipulate table permissions through batch jobs.
At 5:00, you drop the role that grants your BO connection permission to all
of your data tables (NOT the permissions to the repository tables, or else
the user will not be able to log in and build reports!). Then at 8:00 you
recreate that role.

These are just suggestions. I don’t know if any of them will work.

Erich Hurst
Compaq Computer Corporation

“It is so easy to break eggs without making omlettes.” – C.S. Lewis

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