Reducing number of decimal places in string object

I’ve got a “Qty Per” string object which is displaying 6 decimal places on the report however I only want it to show 2 decimal places.

The formula for the string object is as follows:

{Report_Extract.RPTL132}[54 to 68]

I’ve done some googling and a lot of people are referring to a “number” tab in the format editor window where this can be changed but there is no number tab on this object that I can see.

Others have mentioned a “ToText” formula but I’m not sure how I would implement this. I did not create this report I am simply editing an existing one and I am very new to crystal reports.

AMIGD (BOB member since 2019-06-13)

First you need to convert your string to number. Use CDbl() function for this.

Create a formula: CDbl({Report_Extract.RPTL132}[54 to 68]) and place this formula into your report.

CDbl ("$120.20")
Returns the Number value of 120.2

Now, right click on this object and you will see Number tab to format the decimals.

anil.ganga1 :us: (BOB member since 2007-07-04)

[quote:37d65b0bf7=“anil.ganga1”]First you need to convert your string to number. Use CDbl() function for this.

Create a formula: CDbl({Report_Extract.RPTL132}[54 to 68]) and place this formula into your report.

CDbl (“$120.20”)
Returns the Number value of 120.2

Now, right click on this object and you will see Number tab to format the decimals.

Thanks very much for this. It did appear to work but when I run the report I get the following error:

Any ideas?

AMIGD (BOB member since 2019-06-13)

Are you absolutely certain that in all cases the sub string is numeric in all cases (no nulls)?

kevlray :us: (BOB member since 2010-06-23)

As far as I’m aware this field should always be numeric and cannot be left empty.

This is a “qty per” field for a bill of materials - I have just tried to fill in the field on Part Master and it will only allow me to put in numbers, a period or a hyphen.

No other characters can be inputted. If I leave it blank it seems to allow me to progress but when I go back to it later it has defaulted to a 1.

AMIGD (BOB member since 2019-06-13)

Just as a check. I would put in an if statement to check to make sure CDbl({Report_Extract.RPTL132}[54 to 68] is numeric just to see where it fails

So something like this as a test formula.

if isnumeric(CDbl({Report_Extract.RPTL132}[54 to 68]) then ‘Good’ else
{Report_Extract.RPTL132}[54 to 68]

kevlray :us: (BOB member since 2010-06-23)