I’ve got a “Qty Per” string object which is displaying 6 decimal places on the report however I only want it to show 2 decimal places.
The formula for the string object is as follows:
{Report_Extract.RPTL132}[54 to 68]
I’ve done some googling and a lot of people are referring to a “number” tab in the format editor window where this can be changed but there is no number tab on this object that I can see.
Others have mentioned a “ToText” formula but I’m not sure how I would implement this. I did not create this report I am simply editing an existing one and I am very new to crystal reports.
As far as I’m aware this field should always be numeric and cannot be left empty.
This is a “qty per” field for a bill of materials - I have just tried to fill in the field on Part Master and it will only allow me to put in numbers, a period or a hyphen.
No other characters can be inputted. If I leave it blank it seems to allow me to progress but when I go back to it later it has defaulted to a 1.