Query Help BusObj 3.1 -> 4.1.x

In a message dated 99-04-15 14:03:23 EDT, you write:

In the course of converting BusObj 3.1 queries to 4.1.x (by just opening
the BusObj 3.1 .req), does anyone know where the query help goes?

Wow, a blast from the past… a 3.1 question! :slight_smile:

Seriously, Amy, I don’t know if I have ever looked for this. I’m not sure
that BusObj converts that information. But if they do, I expect that the only
logical place to put it would be in the Properties screen in 4.1. To find it,
open your file, select FILE and then PROPERTIES. There is a spot for
comments, and that would be the only place I can think of where the help
could be converted to.

I don’t even have 3.1 installed anywhere to test this any more; sorry. Let us
(the list) know if that’s true!

Dave Rathbun
Integra Solutions

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Dave said:

Seriously, Amy, I don’t know if I have ever looked for this. I’m not sure
that BusObj converts that information. But if they do, I expect that the only
logical place to put it would be in the Properties screen in 4.1. To find it,
open your file, select FILE and then PROPERTIES. There is a spot for
comments, and that would be the only place I can think of where the help
could be converted to.

Indeed, one would think that would the logical place, and it’s certainly
where we’re telling folks to put 4.1.x query documentation. But, I haven’t
seen any evidence of 3.1.x query help being populated there. Any other
idea, folks?


Amy A. Miller, Data Analyst
University of Pennsylvania ISC
Office of Data Administration
3401 Walnut, Suite 265C /6228
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6228
Phone: 215-898-2171 Fax:215-898-0386
Email: milleraa@isc.upenn.edu

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)