QTD in a trended report

Hi -
I am working on a trended financial report in a crosstab. I have my elements down the left side, my months, quarters and years as the top headers. I have broken my report by qtrs and yrs. I need to drop the QTD metric for each element, but it is not a sum of the PTD metrics. It is actually the QTD metric for that quarter. I tried

=<QTD ACT> ForEach <Qtr &amp; Year>

my <Qtr & Year> is a concatenated object for each qtr. but that gives me the total for the quarters. For 2Q03, I really need the QTD metrics for Jun 03, for 3Q03 I need QTD for Sep 03 … and so on.
Do I sound stressed? i am.

msimonsen (BOB member since 2002-08-21)

Please, could you mark up an example with numbers etc?

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

I hope this example helps. I have added a QTD column, to show the metric that I was hoping to get in the 2Q03. The final report should only have PTD metrics and the quarter metrics.

I know logically that I need to have an object that uses the max(month) in a quarter to get the metrics for that quarter. But I have not been able to create that successfully…

Does this make it even a bit less muddy?

            May-04                    Jun-04                     2Q03
            PTD          QTD          PTD          QTD	
Element1     59          198           65          263           263
Element2     60.1         60.2         61.5         60.6          60.6

[Edit: Changed tabs to spaces and reformatted to make it easier to read on screen - AMC]

msimonsen (BOB member since 2002-08-21)