BusinessObjects Board

QAAWS hanging if the result set is greater than 50 rows

Hi Experts,

I have QAAWS and the result set is around 300 rows. It was working fine in BOXI R3. In BO 4.0 it is hanging. if I put ROWNUM<=50 it is is coming with the result set. But if I remove the rownum filter it is hanging there.
Any ideas please.

Kalyani (BOB member since 2007-02-26)


Test the Qaaws in the Webi itself, you can do it when you r-click on a web service & click on test.

If any issues, re-create & test.

kraf (BOB member since 2013-06-25)

Hi Kraf,

do you mean create a report same as QAAWS in WEBI. I tried that, I don’t see any issues with that. Webi report is running fine.

Please suggest me if I need to test some where else.

Thank you.

Kalyani (BOB member since 2007-02-26)

Did you test the Qaaws?
not the webi report.

kraf (BOB member since 2013-06-25)

I did test the QAAWS. QAAWS itself is hanging if the result set is more than 50.

Kalyani (BOB member since 2007-02-26)

Any suggestions please.

Kalyani (BOB member since 2007-02-26)

Moderator note:
Please do not bump your post until at least one business day has passed.

Marek Chladny :slovakia: (BOB member since 2003-11-27)

I checked in CMC & Qaaws properties, it nowhere specifies the limit on rowcount.

only suggestion i could give is for testing purpose, create Qaaws on a diff query & test.

kraf (BOB member since 2013-06-25)

QaaWS rowcounts can be limited by

  1. Webi design document properties
  2. UNX parameters
  3. CMC Webi application Properties.

The CMC settings trump all others. However, the default configs for these settings are 5000 minimum anyway.

Did you run Fiddler or something similar yet to see on what server the request is hanging? You are blind without that information. This problem might lie outside of BOBJ entirely. You said at some point that the issue only began with the 4.0 environment…new servers might pose problems with the database itself or internal firewalls. The 50 rowcount sounds suspiciously like a config setting…but not an BOBJ setting.

Cairmor :us: (BOB member since 2008-06-05)

Can you tell me where and how to check IDX parameters?

Thank you.

Kalyani (BOB member since 2007-02-26)

sorry…IDX was a typo from using my phone. I didnt catch it.

I meant to say UNX…not IDX. I fixed the original post.

Cairmor :us: (BOB member since 2008-06-05)