Dear all,
I need your help.
I’m trying to make Exploer Information Spaces available for BO users. I’ve created an Information Space and saved it in a public folder. But it doesnt work. I get the following message when I try to open it with my testuser:
It was not possible to open the information space.
Can't apply the object level security. (PS 50306)
Failed to retrieve the data source object tree for the exploration space { id: 45a553db-cc78-48fd-ab5a-2f46d4c03bc2, name: test_infospace, version: 2013-09-18_14.44.54.519 }.
I’ve given the user FULL CONTROL on universe, connection, explorer application and information space as well as the containing folder.
It does not work.
Though, when I add the user to admin group it works.
Anyone an idea?
stefan (BOB member since 2008-05-30)