Prompts in Free-Hand SQL

When using a prompt (@Variable command) with an In List operator, you are able to separate multiple values with semi-colons. However, when we create a free-hand SQL query using the @Variable command, the semi-colon does not seem to behave the same way. It seems as if the only values that is considered is the first one (to the left of the first semi-colon). Does anyone know what we are doing wrong or if it is even possible to prompt for multiple values using free-hand SQL?
Peter Borjestedt g

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

On 17 August 1998, Peter Borjestedt wrote:

When using a prompt (@Variable command) with an In List operator, you are
able to separate multiple values with semi-colons. However, when we create
a free-hand SQL query using the @Variable command, the semi-colon does not
seem to behave the same way. It seems as if the only values that is considered is the first one (to the left of the first semi-colon). Does
anyone know what we are doing wrong or if it is even possible to prompt for
multiple values using free-hand SQL?


Use @prompt with the multi parameter -e.g. @prompt(‘Districts’,A,multi,free).

Lorenzo Escalante
BHP IT Perth W.A.

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

In a message dated 98-08-18 10:28:39 EDT, you write:

It seems as if the only values that is
considered is the first one (to the left of the first semi-colon). Does anyone know what we are doing wrong or if it is even possible to prompt for multiple values using free-hand SQL?

I have not tried it myself, but there is a common mistake that can be made when responding to prompts. This is usually the case when only the first value of a set is selected. Make sure you do not use embedded spaces when responding to the prompt - BusObj uses those spaces as part of the value.

Assume you are looking for the values ‘A’, ‘B’, and of course ‘C’. :slight_smile:

When responding to a prompt, you should use this:


not the more user readable:

A; B; C

The reason is, the second response to a prompt generates the SQL:

IN (‘A’, ’ B’, ’ C’)

note the extra space in ’ B’ and ’ C’. ‘A’, however, is correct and will show up on the query.

If you leave the spaces out and respond with:


… then the SQL will be generated as:

IN (‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’)

which will work for all three values. Hope this helps! Again, I do not know if this is the case with Free Hand SQL, but it is a definite issue with a standard universe query.

Dave Rathbun
Integra Solutions

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

You Wrote:
When using a prompt (@Variable command) with an In List operator, you are
able to separate multiple values with semi-colons. However, when we create
a free-hand SQL query using the @Variable command, the semi-colon does not
seem to behave the same way. It seems as if the only values that is
considered is the first one (to the left of the first semi-colon). Does
anyone know what we are doing wrong or if it is even possible to prompt for
multiple values using free-hand SQL?
Peter Borjestedt g


You are right. The way I found to get around this is to use the @Prompt() function instead of the @Variable(). Then, if you use semi-colons between the values, it works correctly.

Scott C. Kelson
Business Objects

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)