Prompts in FHS report

Hi Team,
I’m running Free Hand SQL reports and have one report (date comparison) with 6 prompts in it and its retreiving data from 2 different view based.

  1. Enter Profile (common)
  2. Enter Source (Common)
  3. Enter Date 1 (Query1)
  4. Enter Date 2 (Query2)
  5. Enter Date 3 (Query3)
  6. Enter Date 4 (Query4)

I have created 4 different queries, each query is getting one date prompt.
The existing report has problem with the prompts, Its not executing unless user enters all four dates.

The user wish to enter only 2 or 3 or 4 dates.
The report should be able to run the report even if the user enters only date 1 and date 2 or date3 or date 4.

Data is perfect in the report/graph.
BO version - 6.1b
Database -Oracle 9i

Any help is appreciated,
Thanks in Advance,

ellis27 :us: (BOB member since 2004-06-22)

Please, try a search on BOB, suggested keywords: optional prompt

In brief:
Once you use prompts they must be filled out (some value must be entered).
You can use the work around of “ALL” or 1/1/1900 for example (take a look at this post in FAQ Designer for more info on that).

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

Thanks for the reply. I have checked the forum and didnt find the proper solution. I have checked the link and have some valuable info.

I didnt get exact proper answer.

My question is
If i have 6 prompts in a report, and user wants to run a report with 4 prompts, leaving other 2 prompts empty ?.
out of 4 prompt dates, user may enter only 2 date prompts and other 2 date prompts willl be empty.

Is it possible, leaving 2 prompts blank and running the report ?.
Thanks once again and really appreciate your help.

ellis27 :us: (BOB member since 2004-06-22)

No, it is not possible. Please, see my previous answer:

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

Thanks Andreas,
Thats all i want to know.

ellis27 :us: (BOB member since 2004-06-22)

Ellis – you may still want to look at that FAQ that Andreas hyperlinked above. If you really want to leave some dates “blank”, the “ALL” (or some places use “%”) “optional” prompt is the way to go.

Anita Craig :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-17)