Hi - we have several users who want to download data from BO (4.1.3) to Access to link to outside data. When we use export text, we get #EMPTY# on null fields and Access won’t read the date fields (we have to import them as text and then convert to date once inside Access).
We have tried exporting to dbf, which fixes the issues above, but we’ve run into a problem with long column names - we either get error message that field already exists, or when the columns are created in Access, the name on the first column is correct, and the next is called BO_COL_DUP (for example, first column is Adjudication_disp and second is Adjudication_code).
Finally, we tried using the export to RDBMS, by setting up a personal connection to an Access 97 database. The export works fine unless the data provider has a date field - then I get message Microsoft[ODBC Microsoft Access 97 Driver]Syntax Error in Field Definition. I’m also getting the same type of error when using the fields mentioned above that cause problems with dbf export.
I’d appreciate any suggestions.
Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)